360 Memory Globe is innovation meets tradition. It brings back the fascination of having a physical photo memory, except in 360 degrees. Send us your photo and we will produce a one of a kind; build-it-yourself globe kit for yours to wonder.
- A special designed software is created to "flatten" a spherical, 360 degree image into a single sheet of paper, shaped like an apple peel. Although the image is sliced to accommodate the flat design, when folded up it aligns perfectly into a 9cm diameter photo sphere.
- A globe shaped stand is created to display the photo globe, allowing it to spin easily for viewing.
- The stand is manufactured with 3D printing. Each one can be made uniquely, specifically to meet the trend for a more personalised gift solution. Customers can choose to have their name or message embossed on the stand, further enriching its emotional value.
- Illuminates at night by a simple battery (0 mercury) LED module.
Hong Kong Smart Design Award 2024. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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