Music makes us happy and is an expressive form of art that touches deeply at our human emotions. In this board game, we have incorporated elements of music, in particular different musical notes which children may use to place onto the musical staff to create and score out unique musical masterpieces.The player can use the musical note cards to exchange the instrument cards and paste the instrument on the music game board to create the own music. After the song is completed, players may use a touch reading pen to select different instruments by tapping their pen onto an Instrument Card, after which players may use the pen to play out the musical notes on the Musical Sheet Cards, as well as the completed song laid out on the Game Board.
《音樂達人》桌上遊戲,讓小朋友用遊戲認識音樂! 音樂是一種令人快樂,帶給人美的享受和表達人的情感。我們將音樂的元素放在遊戲上,運用不同的音符,小朋友可以把不同的音符組合放在五線譜上,創作和拼合出一首獨特的樂曲。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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