EXLICON is an intuitive design tool that helps designers to draw circles with different radii and golden ratio, which is the most ideal ratio in architecture and art as it can arouse the beauty of design. As EXLICON is different from the traditional compass, it can avoid perforating the paper and also prevent the circle from deviating from the centre when drawing.
Moreover, Users can also draw plenty of ellipses with various eccentricities and circles professionally and efficiently. Users can draw regular pentagons/hexagons easily with the marks on the base. EXLICON consists of a base, long/short ruler and water drop-shaped ruler.
EXLICON能避免破壞紙張,亦防止在繪畫圓形途中,圓形座偏離圓心。EXLICON是一個專業的設計工具,讓他們有效率地完成傑出的作品。EXLICON 由圓底,長/短尺和水滴形的尺組成,設計師可以自由組合工具,再根據底座上的標記,從而簡易畫出藝術中最理想的黃金比例的圓形、橢圓形、六邊形和正五邊形。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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