This is an exclusive high-tech innovative design in our company, AMAZINGTHING in Hong Kong. It is featuring anti-microbial function plus wireless charging. For the situation nowadays, germs and bacteria are everywhere and smart devices like phones, airpods, keys are the easiest items to be infected by the germs and C-Pad Pro is ideally made for this problem. The portable, lightweight UV C-Pad Pro is SGS certificated and it is designed for multiple usage. It is safe for everyday use to disinfect your devices or on any surface. It supports up to 10W wireless charging. The package also includes a portable power bank charger and a pocket sleeve for someone always on-the-go.
AMAZINGTHING 的UV C-Pad Pro 多功能無線充電盒是我們獨家的高科技創新設計。它具有抗菌功能以及無線充電功能。 對於當今的情況,細菌和細菌無處不在,而智能設備(如電話,airpods,鑰匙)是最容易被細菌感染的物品,而C-Pad Pro正是解決這一問題的理想選擇。 便攜式輕巧的UV C-Pad Pro已通過SGS認證, 並且可多方面使用。日常使用或在任何表面都是絕對安全的。C-Pad Pro 支援10w 無線充電, 除了消毒盒外, 還會包含一個便攜式移動電源充電器及小袋子專為經常要外出的人士。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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