Traditional lunch boxes work well at protecting their food contents, but are bulky and inconvenient when empty. Paper or fabric lunch sacks fold flat when empty, but don’t prevent food from getting crushed. The solution? The Snapfold Fold Box, a crush-resistant container that folds flat for space saving. Ideal as a lunch box or to protect and organize almost any small item (lotions, personal electronics, sunglasses, etc.), the Fold Box is quick and easy to assemble and collapse. A hinged lid snaps securely closed and may be removed for use as a serving tray/cutting board. Stores flat in a backpack, briefcase, or drawer. A unique and useful alternative to the ‘old’ lunch box!
傳統的食物盒可以很好地保護食物,但不放食物的時候便會覺得比較笨重。 用紙或布的午餐袋在不放食物的時候可以折疊平放,但不可以防止食物被壓碎。 我們有什麼解決方案? 折疊盒子在不需放食物的時候,可以折疊成平整的形式以節省空間。 它非常適合作為食物盒, 或是可以保護和剩載所有小物品(例如: 化妝品,個人電子產品,太陽眼鏡等),並且組裝快捷方便。 蓋子拆開後, 可以用作托盤或是切菜板。 另外它可以平放在背包,公文包或抽屜中。 替代“舊”食物盒的獨特而實用的選擇!
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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