Fragrance varieties
Natural scents are combined to represent the various seasons in different shapes and colors. Please experience each one.
How to experience HA KO
Elegant and tasteful paper incense that can be displayed as a beautiful potpourri or by burning. Enjoy different aromas as the release of scent varies.
Enjoy as a potpourri display
Just display to spread rich fragrance. Put on a plate at an entrance, living room or your favorite place to enjoy the gentle aroma.
Experience by burning
Enjoy this paper incense just like incense sticks. Light HA KO, extinguish flame and the aroma spreads while burning.
結合了自然的氣味,以不同的形狀和顏色代表不同的季節。 請體驗每個。
如何體驗HA KO
優雅而有品味的紙香,可以顯示為美麗的花香或燃燒。 釋放不同的香氣,享受不同的香氣。
只需展示即可散發出濃郁的香氣。 放在入口,客廳或您喜歡的地方的盤子上,享受溫和的香氣。
像熏香一樣享受這種紙香。 輕度HA KO,熄滅火焰,燃燒時香氣擴散。
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