Chris is the first coding robot designed for children age 3+. Chris teaches children the basics of coding, while incorporating problem-solving and creativity. Children will be delighted to see their coding skills bring Chris to life and keep company, as Chris navigates his surroundings. You can even use the coding blocks to create your own custom path for Chris. There are endless possibilities for family fun!
The mission: code, explore and learn with Chris! This one-of-a-kind coding robot is perfect for little learners, while providing challenges bringing hours of fun and education!
小孩子將會很高興看到CHRIS能跟着自己所編排的路徑四處行走,讓CHRIS好像朋友一樣陪伴自己。 透過各種目標任務及鮮明的編碼方塊,來愉快地學習簡單的編碼概念,籍以培養出小孩對編寫程式的興趣。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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