The fundamentals collection provides all the kitchen tools that you need for cooking and food preparation at one time, including silicone brush, silicone ladle, silicone slotted tuner, silicone solid spoon, silicone skimmer, silicone spatula, silicone chopstick & jar scraper, and the 4 knives are able to easily handle all soft and hard, raw and cooked ingredients for any dish.
In addition, the collection is also included an unique utensil & knife holder, which holds all the kitchen tools and knives tidily and safely.
終極廚具套裝能夠一次過滿足所有中西菜式烹飪所需的廚房用具,包含鍋鏟、刮刀、湯勺、湯匙、漏杓、油掃、筷子及4把常用的刀具, 令你能輕鬆應付所有菜式料理; 無論煎、炒、煮、炸、炆及煲湯等均無難度。套裝更附上兩用收納座,可妥善存放各種廚具和刀具,即使存放在同一容器中,也不會造成任何損壞。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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