Bamboo 3Dknit is the only bouncer not just for babies. A baby outgrows a classic bouncer in just 1 year. Bamboo 3Dknit lasts much longer: it transforms from a cradling hammock with bespoke support for newborns to prevent slumping, to a comfy chair that stimulates a baby`s wriggling skills, to a lounger for 5-year-old toddlers. The breathable, 3D knitted backrest is engineered for perfect support as they grow. Traditional bouncers have 3 inclinations of one single sitting position. Instead The Dynamic BackRest (DBR) lets children choose their own position by shifting their weight and the DBR's angle opens to relax their tummy for a comfy rest.
Bamboo 3Dknit 是唯一一張不僅限於初生嬰兒使用的搖椅。一般的嬰兒搖椅只有一年壽命。Bamboo 3Dknit 則具有更長的使用壽命: 它能為初生寶寶提供吊床般的承托保護,繼而成為一張可以刺激寶寶四支發展的舒適椅子,陪伴小朋友成長至五歲。透氣3D針織靠背更為嬰兒提供完美承托力。相比傳統三段式固定角度的搖椅,獲專利技術的動態靠背可以隨着小朋友的體重改變靠背的傾斜度從而令寶寶肚子舒適伸展,放鬆地休息。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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