OneLessBox is a light, compact & foldable food box designed to encourage people to “Bring-Your-Own-Box” & reduce plastic waste, just like they always “Bring-their-own-bag”.
OneLessBox is lighter than an iPhone (~160g), only half the A4 size, portable & convenient! Box size & volume simulate regular disposable PP food box to make it restaurant-friendly, a win-win solution for users & restaurants.
OneLessBox is stackable. Bring several when doing grocery shopping or use them as doggie bags. Enjoy using them simultaneously without deforming the food.
OneLessBox is better than other food boxes/bags in the market. The design attends to all details, as reducing plastic waste is the aspiration!
少一合是個輕巧且可折疊的食物盒, 它比iPhone還輕, 一半A4的尺寸, 極易攜帶! 盒的大小與一般即棄食物盒相約, 方便餐廳量度食物份量;它亦可堆疊,保護食物不變形.少一合照顧了不同細節, 比市場其他的食物盒/袋更好,皆因減塑減廢是我們的理想!
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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