“DDB Toothbrush” which was consult PopIt Toy to produce , it is toothbrush also is a toy. The brush made of nylon soft bristles, bristles were polished and will not irritate the gums, it will take care of baby's gum. The shape of "8" designed is good for baby grasp and play with silicone toys to improve concentration.
得得B牙刷,結合潮玩PopIt Toy,既是牙刷也是玩具。採用尼龍絲柔軟刷毛,每根刷毛頭都經過打磨處理不刺激牙齒牙齦,溫柔呵護寶寶的口腔。獨特的8字型手柄設計,輕鬆培養寶寶的觸感。反復按壓手柄上的硅膠泡泡,鍛煉寶寶手指的靈活度。
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