"ppp" Tote which is covetable "Party and Picnic , Packable " Tote bag inspired by actual user experience that would love to do Party and Picnic together in the city park or nature environment with free to use anytime , anywhere . For friends and couples that love to do outdoor activities and enjoy the lifestyle within the environment. The Picnic Pad which integrated into the simply design tote style bag and make thing more easy going and match with the user daily lifestyle !
“ppp” 隨身出行野餐墊,派對手提包的靈感源自喜歡在城市戶外或自然環境實際用戶體驗,可以隨時隨地享受戶外活動的朋友和情侶。野餐墊融入簡約設計的手提包風格,讓事情變得更加輕鬆,完全配合用戶的日常生活方式.包的結構設計包括野餐墊,手提包和由 100% Rpet 再生輕質材料製成,使用和包裝簡單,使用者可以在任何場合、任何時間、任何地點。
Hong Kong Smart Design Award 2024. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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