Seat n Stand phone stand combines Chinese-style folding stools with Western geometric lines, symbolizing the cultural fusion of Hong Kong. The retro folding stools and futuristic metal also show the concept of the old & new eras interaction. The minimalism of the Seat n Stand makes the lines more prominent, the four corners are rounded, and the comfortable feel is even more admirable. When a mobile phone or tablet sits on it, it creates a sense of harmony. It adopts a dual-axis, dual-plane folding opening and closing design. When it is flat, it is almost completely seamless and flat. When it is opened, it forms the architectural shape of the Arc de Triomphe. With advanced polishing technology and silver edges, it can complement the popular and best-selling high-end foldable phones.
Seat n stand 的極簡主義令線條感更突出,四邊圓角不割手,舒適手感更令人愛不釋手,當手機或平板安坐其中,便營造出一種和諧感。
採用雙軸心,雙平面摺疊開合設計, 平面時接近完全無縫平整,打開時則形成凱旋門建築外形,加上高級打磨技術,配以銀邊,最能襯托流行熱賣的高端摺機。
採用雙軸心、雙平面摺疊開合設計, 平面時接近完全無縫平整, 打開時則形成凱旋門建築外形,加上高級打磨技術, 配以銀邊, 最能襯托流行熱賣的高端摺機。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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