SCANFC® Engineered Watchbands is an innovative phygital. It integrates the NFC technology inside and enhances the daily user experience. The designed hook and loop fastening allows users to wear it easily. With the NFC tech and it Allows the user to explore the hyperlink and create their own automation by tapping with NFC smartphone. It is fashionable to mix and match both casual and formal wear.
SCANFC® NFC機能錶帶是一款時尚錶帶。 它結合了NFC技術和時尚感,並提升使用者體驗,將時尚科技集一身。 魔術貼設計允許使用者輕鬆佩戴。 藉助NFC技術,它讓使用者探索超連結,並可以建立自己的自動化功能。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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