Sound Rise II is an ideal bedside alarm clock and wireless speaker to complement a modern lifestyle at your home. Sound Rise II comes with the award-winning sound quality of our original Sound Rise plus various refreshing new features, a bigger display screen, and more versatile USB charging options. Users can enjoy their favorite
songs with balanced audio while lying in bed. The contemporary and upright design with a small footprint takes up minimal space leaving ample room on the nightstand.
Sound Rise II 是一款理想的床頭鬧鐘和無線揚聲器, 為您的家增添現代生活方式。
Sound Rise 第一代產品,自推出後就在國外獲獎無數,廣受市場歡迎。Sound Rise II 保留了第一代產品 Sound Rise 音質的基礎上,又增加了一些額外的新功能,例如更大的螢幕尺寸,更多的充電介面選擇,以及用於舒緩情緒和改善睡眠的自然界聲響。 靜躺床上小憩,可以欣賞自己最喜歡的音樂,自然而愉悅。 現代化的風格,小巧化的設計,擺放在床頭櫃上幾乎不佔空間。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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