- DISTINCTION is a unique decorative lighting device designed as a meaningful gift for individuals embarking on new challenges. This innovative product cleverly incorporates origami techniques, allowing users to collapse, raise, and shape it to create their one-of-a-kind shine. The underlying message behind DISTINCTION is to encourage individuals to forge their own identities and stand out, hence its fitting name.
DISTINCTION 是一款獨特的裝飾燈具,旨在作為送給面臨新挑戰的使用者的有意義的禮品。這款創新產品巧妙地應用了摺紙技術,使使用者能夠將其摺疊、升起並塑造成獨一無二的光芒。DISTINCTION 背後傳達的訊息是鼓勵個體塑造自己的身份,與眾不同,因此得名 DISTINCTION。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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