Simple Representation for Letters and Words
The story of OO BLOCKS began with the question: how do we represent letters and words in the simplest way possible?
Shaped by Shadow and Light
An OO BLOCK is an alphabet block that you can touch as well as see, shaped by shadow and light.The alphabets are shaped by simple cuts and carve-outs precisely milled, leaving a smooth gentle texture on the blocks. The premium grade wood is carefully chosen to evoke the best color contrast under daylight.
Orient Occident Block
OO Blocks stand for Orient Occident block, literally meaning east-west block. They serve as a reminder of our past as they contemporize the traditional printing block.
OO Block 的故事由一個問題開始:「如何以最簡單的方式表達字母和字詞?」
於是,我們構思了OO BLOCK。它是一個可觸摸得到、並由陰影與光線塑造而成的字母塊。 我們嚴選優質木材,並以簡單的切割和精確打磨而製成木塊,在陽光的照射下,可見其平滑的紋理外,亦可折射出最佳的色彩對比。
OO Block是 Orient Occident Block, 字面意思是東西木塊。它們將傳統印刷版現代化,迴響我們的歷史。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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