ikue is accessories made of paper and gold which expands
the possibility of the usage of paper through the traditional book binding technique “sampokin”, which has been used to preserve bibles from deterioration since long ago.100 sheets of 0.1mm thick paper are stacked together with gold foil on the edges, witch create a charm that doesn't seem like paper.Although given the appearance of heavy metal jewelry, it actually only weighs 5g, ikue is surprisingly light when worn.
通過很長時間以來就一直用於防止聖經變質的傳統書本裝訂技術“ sampokin”來使用紙張的可能性。將100張0.1mm厚的紙張與金箔堆疊在一起,邊緣形成金黃色, 儘管外觀很重,但實際上重量僅為5克,但ikue佩戴起來卻輕巧得令人驚訝。
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