At Rice Robotics, we are building the software and hardware infrastructure for the next-generation of businesses to deploy fleets of robots. Our robots are autonomous and can operate elevators and turnstiles, charge, and navigate crowded areas without help. Our flagship robot Rice securely delivers goods, from coffee to documents and medical supplies. Our robots increase efficiency and reduce cost by freeing up employees to focus on more complex tasks. Using our fleet management platform RiceCore, you can view critical information about the robots and control them from afar, from the ease of your phone or desktop. We are headquartered in Hong Kong and our robots also operate in Japan and Thailand.
飯糰是一款自動送餐機器人,能在繁忙而複雜的環境中自動導航。飯糰能以無線方式操作升降機和閘門,在建築物內的不同樓層之間穿梭。 它使用即時定位和地圖構建(SLAM)演算法,動態地規劃通往目的地的最佳路徑,並使用三種傳感器(光學雷達、深度攝錄鏡頭及超聲波)安全地運送物品,並避開沿途的障礙物。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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