THE INs offers hands-free, more enjoyable and discreet way to express breastmilk. No dangling bottles, no tubes and no cords. The INs breast pump is designed to use anytime user like, wherever user like. No more pumping schedule. Pump anywhere anytime as user want to.
THE INs 為用家提供最簡潔的泵奶體驗。THE INs有別於一般奶泵的設計,沒有奶樽,奶管及電線等配備,輕巧的機身與儲奶杯連接在一起。用家每次只要把小機身放在內衣之內,泵奶的同時,也能輕鬆處理日常時務之餘或外出工作。使餵哺母乳變得更輕鬆簡單。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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