The Catch Me Ring Toss Giraffe has a light-up car with giraffe pal design, comes with 3 colorful plastic rings. It is a fun game that can be played in 2 ways: Music mode and Motion mode. Fun sounds and melodies play when the baby presses the light up button. And the bump and go action encourages baby crawling.
This Catch Me Ring Toss Giraffe for outdoor or indoor play keeps kids active, it is great for improve children's ability to coordinate hand-eye, patience, discernment and concentration skills.Parents playing with kids will increase parent-children interaction.
Catch Me Ring Toss Giraffe是一輛長頸鹿動物設計的發光汽車,配有3個彩色塑料環。 這是一個非常有趣的遊戲,可以通過兩種方式:音樂模式和動作模式。 當寶寶按下閃燈按鈕時,會發出有趣的聲音和旋律,吸引寶寶跟住爬行。
這款Catch Me Ring Toss Giraffe適合在室外或室內玩耍,套圈圈親子遊戲,培養寶寶的動手能力,有助於訓練寶寶手眼協調,觀察力,辨別力和專注力。父母與孩子們一起玩耍更會增加親子互動。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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