Every festive or special day, parents would buy“Sui Mei”roast meat for an extra dish ,so children would be very happy when they saw parents hold a Sui Mei paper bags back to home.
In order to keep this traditional signature packaging alive, HONG KONG OAPES is introducing a new series of bags – 【Sui Mei bag】
Using a new material which texture is similar to sulphite paper but not a paper, it is an environmentally friendly non-woven fabric, much more durable, soft and robust, waterproof and stain-resistant, washable by hand or machine. We also refer to the classics“Sui Mei”BBQ shop takeaway packaging drawings, redesigned into our own distinctive patterns and put on the front of our new series Tote Bag & Shoulder Bag.
60-70年代嘅香港,各類商店、食店抑或燒味店大多數都喺用便宜又方便嘅雞皮紙袋作為盛載外賣嘅包裝。每逢節日或是喜慶日子, 大人們下班後會去燒臘店「斬料加餸」, 小孩看到父母回家時拿著燒臘紙袋時都會十分開心和雀躍。
為左保留呢個香港特色,我哋「香港猿創」推出最新產品 - 「燒味袋」。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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