Many people like to put flowers at home, which can bring more vitalities.
But the vase in the market is relatively monotonous. We want to bring the vase design into living, so we have designed a fashionable into Classical Chinese Garden Pond Vase.
In addition, the flowers interact with the water and the goldfish pattern on the porcelain, making them living in the water. You can decorate your home with different scenes and mood.
但市面售賣花瓶都比較單調,我們想將花瓶設計帶入生活上,所以設計了一款時尚及經典中國花園池塘花瓶. 加上鮮花與盛載的水及瓷器上的金魚圖案互動,讓它們猶於置身於水中,可以點綴家中不一樣景象.
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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