'Roll' is a multi-function indoor stool, blending storage and UV light cleaning properties into a compact form factor. Daily items such as children's toys, groceries or mails can be stored and UV cleaned at once. The UV light module is also detachable and can be charged via USB-C. Simply press the button and wait for 20 minutes for it to finish the cleaning. The exterior is covered in fabric, creating a homely visual while the soft cushioned seat provides physical comfort.
Roll是一種多功能室內凳子,其體積袖珍,但具備物件存儲和紫外線清潔功能。一些日常用品例如:兒童玩具、雜貨或郵件等可以存放在其內,並以紫外線進行清潔。 其紫外線配件是可拆卸的,用家可通過 USB-C 為其充電。用法亦非常簡易,只需按下按鈕並等待 20 分鐘即可完成清潔,適合忙碌和注重衛生的都市人。為營造出溫馨的視覺效果,凳子特別外層採用了柔和的布材。而剛柔並重的座墊既舒適更能保障坐姿。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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