Always keep an eye on your personal belongings. Whether you want to have a break in the coffee shop, take a nap on the beach, or play sports with your friends - simply place Gaze next to your stuff, it'll be a little assistance for you and your friends. Gaze is a portable security camera designed to guard users’ personal belongings. GAZE is equipped with a panoramic lens that records the movement of its surrounding. Capture the face of anyone that approaches by FHD loop recording. With a vibration sensor and a smart digit lock, the alarm of the camera will be automatically on when abnormal movement is detected, alerting users and people nearby, and hence, protecting your invaluable belongings.
無論是暫時離開座位,在沙灘上午睡,或是在球場上和朋友盡情玩樂,都要小心保管個人財物。Gaze是一部具有防盜功能的隨拍相機,採用循環錄影方式,清晰記錄裝置附近的環境和物品狀況,並且記錄所有曾經靠近的人,保護您的財物。相機設有震動偵測系統,當偵測到不尋常震動時,便會發出警報,保護自身不被移動, 並且通知用家和附近的人。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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