Hong Kong-Style Milk Tea that Tastes Just Right and Authentic.
Created by a milk tea-lover, WPLUS+ TEA MASTER 0.8 litre Multi-Purpose Electric Kettle 茶の達人 is a smart kettle signatured by “one-tap” for mastering its features. It provides the first-ever Hong Kong-Style Milk Tea brewing, plus Tea Extraction, Eggs Boiling and other basic features, supported by essential milk-tea tools. It combines creative features, slim design for high performance appliance that look beautiful and practical on your kitchen tabletop, dining table and workplace.
TEA MASTER is to become contemporary essentials that made for tea-lovers’ lifestyle and daily needs.
【WPLUS+ 茶の達人】為一鍵式多功能電壺。首創「港式奶茶沖泡功能」及輕煮、萃取茶等功能。備有「撞奶茶」工具,人人都是「奶茶魔師」,隨時在家或辦公室泡正宗奶茶。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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