Stamping, calligraphy, and painting are all intertwined. The ring is made with concept of Signet ring. It is divided into two parts: black and gold, which are made by 925 silver and brass, respectively. When you open the golden lid, you'll notice Mr. Chua Lam's calligraphy word "laugh". It reminds us that no matter how upset we are, we should strive to live better lives. The ring in shape of "一方印" are a unique way to collect calligraphy. This design concept can be combined with a variety of calligraphy and is being expanded into a variety of accessory categories.
印章與字畫互相不可或缺的。”印。記”戒指就是以西方印章戒作概念而成,戒指分成黑、金兩個部分, 分別由925銀及黃銅組成。 打開金色蓋子便會看到隱藏著蔡瀾先生所寫的”笑”字書法是要提醒大家儘管在有多不愉快的現世,也勿忘歡笑, 盡力以自己的方式開心生活。戒指做成"一方印"的模樣, 是另一種好玩方法去收藏喜歡的書法。然而, 這個設計概念可以配合不同的書法, 繼續發展不同的配飾。
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