Yoggle is the latest hassle-free way to carry your smart phone. The crossbody strap features an innovative T shape connector PhoneLock Pro, with an advanced turn-and-lock mechanism using hard wearing stainless steel.
Made with top quality woven threads, the texture, craftsmanship and pattern of the straps of Yoggle comes in 7 attractive colours.
And it works with all phone type- as long as there’s a phone case.
Hands-free phone carrying has never felt so smart, safe and in style.
新型格,將手機斜背在身 --Yoggle 電話掛繩。
有別於一般電話繩,Yoggle 是以一個創新 T- shape螺旋小配件 (PhoneLock Pro),扣上本身心愛的手機殻,簡單一轉即可緊緊連著電話繩,將電話安全掛在身上,幾乎可用於任何型號手機。
Yoggle 更有著完美的粗幼度、柔軟度,掛在身上不只舒適,更倍感型格、有質感。
7 種絕美顏色,日日隨心換裝,將手機掛上身,再無牽掛。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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