TowelBuddy is a UV-C light towel disinfection equipment, intended for people with eczema and those who always care about hygiene:
1. Prevents breeding of bacteria in humid environment.
2. Covers of lamp block UV light, to avoid unnecessary exposure to human skin and potential harms.
3. Multi-directional exposure of towel to the UV-light.
4. Covers connects to a power trigger, ensuring the lamp be turned-on only when the cover is completely closed.
5. "Timer Mode" for power saving and "Open Mode" for continuous disinfection depending on conditions, e.g., extremely humid.
TowelBuddy 是一款 UV-C 光毛巾消毒設備,適用於濕疹患者和經常關心個人衛生的人士:
1. 防止潮濕環境中的細菌在毛巾上滋生。
2. 燈罩可阻擋紫外線,避免對人體皮膚造成不必要的照射和潛在危害。
3. 全方位紫外線照射毛巾。
4. 蓋子蓋上觸發電源,確保只有在蓋子完全關閉時才會啟動UV燈。
5. “定時器模式”可以省電,“長開模式”用於特定條件(如非常潮濕時)進行持續性消毒。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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