Touring Turtle is a Chinese learning card game that teaches over 300 vocabularies over 6 interactive scenes. In the game, users will be using radical and part cards to form different Chinese characters, learning both Mandarin and Cantonese pronunciation, and practice writing with AI-empowered stroke order exercises.
《旅龜中文冒險》是一個專為學習中文而設計的遊戲,玩家只需使用智能字卡及Apple Pencil,就可以在6個場景裡以拼字及寫字方法學習超過300個不同詞語,詞語程度定於小一至小三,小朋友除了能學會廣東話及普通話發音,更能與人工智能學習筆順,在中文學習上建立自信。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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