The design idea is from The Equality of Things”by Zhuangzi, who was the philosopher in the ancient China. ”There are no things that are not that; there are no things that are not this. From the perspective of that, we do not see; when we know for ourselves, then we know it. Thus it is said: that issues out of this, and this also depends on that.“ This philosophy is about everything is the same, and people agree or deny others’point of views are based on their own perspective subjectively. This inspires us to create the polygonal bowl set of 5 which are seen as 5 different bowls, but in fact the bowls are the same, just the open top is on the different planar. From a start to the end, it is the same thing.
設計意念源於 道家莊子的『齊物論』: 「物無非彼 物無非是。自彼則不見 自知則知之。故曰。彼出於是 是亦因彼。彼是方生之說也。」這道論帶出萬物皆為一體,無你我之分的概念。人們對同一事物有不同的想法或否認別人的觀點,其意見早已建立於主觀層上,就像是人們在不同時空、不同地域上看到月有陰、晴、圓、缺般,但事實上大家都一直是在看著同一個月球。這啟發了我們創造此多邊形碗組合。看似是五個不同的碗,但實際上這些碗的外型均是相同,只是各有其不同面板的開口位置。由始至終皆相同。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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