CUE Games is the world's first modular designed gaming table. The whole assembly process only requires 3 minutes. besides training basic billiard skills, but also help to improve their concentration, patience, decisiveness, and discipline.
Simply change the “Gaming Cloth” to transform into different new educational games. Children can learn English vocabulary, mathematics, geometry, astronomy, etc. to provide “diversified learning” opportunities for the children to achieve the purpose of “universal education” in a more dynamic and interactive way.
CUE Games 是集桌球遊戲及學習於一身的組裝式遊戲枱,組合過程只需三分鐘,除了訓練桌球技巧,亦能提升其專注力、判斷力、耐性及紀律。透過更換桌布就「變身」英文拼寫、數學、幾何學、天文學的學習遊戲枱。令小朋友達至多元化學習,而學習過程亦變得更互動及有趣味。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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