Calm Down Book is a 11-in-1 calming tools which designed for children aged 5-10.
It created by occupational therapist, social worker and International brand-Elf culture My First book. Integrate "sensory integration", "concentration awareness", "brain neuroscience theory" and "visual Strategies " theory with practice, so that children can relax and calm their emotions through sensory calming.
【冷靜法寶】:由女青YWCA 職業治療師 X 社工 X 國際品牌 Elf CultureMy First Book聯手製作,結合「感覺統合」、「專注覺察」、「腦神經科學理論」及「視覺策略」打造11種冷靜法寶於一身,讓兒童平靜情緒,適合學校冷靜區使用。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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