Dragon dance is a form of traditional dance and performance in Chinese culture . It is one of the most often seen in festive celebrations. The dance is performed by a team of dancers who manipulate a long flexible figure of a dragon using poles positioned at regular intervals along the length of the dragon. The dance team mimics the supposed movements of this river spirit in a sinuous, undulating manner. ' Dance bookmark’ based on this performance and present as a set of book mark , it had 9 pieces to represent different parts of dragon body include the flower ,head and tail . User can select which part they want to clip in book as for marking ,next to this , user can form a different dragon movement as clip on different page or level at the book to present different sinuous form ..Next time when user are reading a book , they are not only to learn the knowledge from book , they also can learn more chinese culture together with ' Dance bookmark ' !
'舞龍'起源於中國傳統舞蹈。舞龍是一年中大型節慶表演節目之一 , 深受中國人喜愛和欣賞 . '舞龍'由多人舞動不同龍之部份來表達龍生動之型態 , 展現其栩栩如生一面 .
'舞動書籤 '運用了舞龍之型態在書籤設計上, 利用金屬/再生紙/木製成了一條舞龍之不同部件, 包括頭, 身和尾部等等 . 當用家把不同舞龍之部件放在不同書頁上 `, 便可以隨意展現出舞龍之不同型態 . 有如一隊舞龍隊伍在表現般千變萬化 .
下次當我們閱讀書本給收書中知識之餘 , 同時也可以學習中國舞龍之傳统文
化 !
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