Hong Kong Puzzle Mystery: The Dim Sum Steam Off!
A jigsaw puzzle combining artwork hand-drawn by award-winning local artist, Kitty N. Wong. And a mystery story entwined with Hong Kong culture quirks written by Netflix-featured tour guide, Virginia Chan of Humid with a Chance of Fishballs Tours.
香港拼圖之謎 - 點心風雲!
這拼圖遊戲,由屢獲殊榮的本地藝術家 Kitty N. Wong 手繪而成。 及曾擔任Netflix 旅遊節目的特色導遊、Humid with a Chance of Fishballs Tours 的 Virginia Chan,撰寫了一個有關香港文化特色交織已成的神秘故事。
在完成拼圖遊戲過程中, 能帶給全家大小溫馨樂趣的時段, 一起享受閱讀故事,到最後更找到隱藏在拼圖中的嫌疑人物,成功破案!
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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