THINKTHING believes that a lamp is a medium of light, and Balance 2.0 is a lamp designed to follow the needs of the user. The transparent appearance of Balance 2.0 allows it can be hidden in the environment. Jason, the designer of Balance 2.0, hopes to reveal the core of Balance 2.0 directly. Jason presents the structure of Balance 2.0 by using the transparent case of Balance 2.0.
市面上一般的枱燈也是固定的,而THINKTHING認為燈是一種承載光的媒體,可以把光帶到黑夜裡,所以設計了一枝可以跟隨著用家的枱燈。Balance 2.0透明的外觀使它能夠隱藏於環境之中,讓光能夠以最自然的狀態存在在空間內。設計師Jason希望直接把Balance 2.0的核心展露出來。以全透明的外殼,把Balance 2.0平衡的技術呈現出來,毫無保留地與大眾分享Balance 2.0的秘密。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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