MEMORI (Vagitus series) consists of art technology, empowered a meaningful moment, as voice messages and memories are intangible. Storing the first cry voice from new-born baby in tailor-made basis. This enables people to keep important and secret messages in “Memori” and recall their sweet, touching and romantic moment whenever they are.
MEMORI (初見系列) 結合藝術與科技,將無形的回憶與聲音連結一起。以訂製方式記錄初生嬰兒的第一次喊聲,每人都可以將”密語”保存於”Memori”之中,隨時隨地細味每個甜蜜、感動、浪漫的時刻。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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