To build your own knife - customers can choose and change his/her knife no matter when and where. We have different color, size and material of the handle. We provide a various list of blades for customers to choose from, e.g. as small as a fruit knife or as long as a fish knife. We maintain the concept of Pro-Balance 1.0 which the center of gravity can be adjusted, but we change the material for better fit the design. This is a brand new idea for assembly a knife - all products sell with different parts and customers would find it much fun.
PRO-BALANCE 2.0 - 刀具設計藍圖經研究團隊重新琢磨洗練,進化成更完美的版本。團隊重新設計內藏的推拉式砝碼核心,配合不同顏色、大小及物料的刀柄, 再加上多達二十多把全新刀具包括廚師刀、三德刀、麵包刀、削皮刀及中式廚刀等,應對客人的基本需要。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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