The Rotating Fai Chun can convert various hidden characters, while the user spinning it 360 degrees. As the Fai Chun rotates, four different messages - “Rabbit”(兔), “Blessing”(福), “Spring”(春) and “Good Fortune”(大吉) are displayed one after another. Fai Chun is no longer just a decoration, but also a fun game that attracts adults and children.
將喜運揮春 360 度旋轉,顯示各種隱藏祝福。隨著揮春轉動,“兔”、“福”、“春”、“大吉”四種不同的祝福相繼顯示。 揮春不再只是擺設,更是大人小孩都喜歡的趣味遊戲。
Hong Kong Smart Design Award 2024. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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