Qipaoeasy means qipao made easy for you to wear and style.
Taking the essence of Qipao elements and modernize into everyday piece.
Our Qipaoeasy collection shows off the Chinese identity in quintessence of Chinese elegance we harmonious and contemporary aesthetics, manifesting the adaptability, versatility and inclusiveness of Chinese culture. Designed for women to be proud to wear and embrace easily in a more fun and modern way by styling to show off her identity and personality for whatever the occasion.
Qipaoeasy – 輕鬆的方式去造型和穿著旗袍 。 以中式優雅,和諧和現代美學的元素, 體現中國文化的適應 、多樣和包容性。 以更有趣、現代和輕鬆的穿著方式展現出個人身份和個性。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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