FIGTION APP provides an anti-counterfeit solution for merchandise by using NFC technology and a Blockchain database. By working with companies and brands the FIGTION NFC chips would be embedded into merchandise before it is released to the market. To authenticate, users simply hold their smartphone over the product. The FIGTION APP will activate the NFC Reader on the smartphone interact with the encrypted NFC chipset cross-reference with the blockchain database and determine the authenticities. After the process is complete, different variants of digital counterparts from image packs, 3D files to AR effects will be made available for download exclusively on the FIGTION APP.
FIGTION 係一款為實體產品而設嘅防偽驗證方案。通過應用程式使用NFC (近距離通訊認證) 及Blockchain (區塊鏈) 來驗證產品真實性,同時亦保障製造商,藝術家及品牌嘅利益。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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