In an era of twists and turns, pure and mere love is the safe refuge.
In a culture accustomed to definition and demarcation, if your soul has a tinge of color that is not bound to be bound by frames, this M24 fragrance, which is characterized by Longjing and green tea, may cause you to be in awe. The Harpazo view is that existence itself is a beauty that does not need to be defined or explained.
Our perfume cap is made with 3-D printing technology, it took us 1 year to refine again and again to reach perfection.
M24 的訊息
在反覆的時代,單純的愛就是避風港。 在一個習慣於定義和分界的文化中,如果您的靈魂有一種不受框架約束的色調,那麼這款 M24 香氣具有龍井和綠茶的特徵,可能會讓您感到驚嘆。Harpazo 的觀點是,存在本身是一種不需要定義或解釋的美麗。
我們的香水蓋採用 3D 打印技術製成,花了 1 年的時間,我們一次又一次地精緻重塑,達到完美。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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