The concept come from ancient brass goniometer. Y ruler is created to measure angle precisely and assist to do sketching on drawing table professionally The body and arm is engraved from same block of aluminum and hold together by special designed magnets. This design makes Y ruler rotate smoothly and also stay firmly when drawing. You will find well balance of movement when turning the body Clear glass with engraved center point, 12cm, 5inch and corner rounder 60-290mm are the key features
Y 尺概念來自古老的黃銅測角儀,為精確測量角度,輔助畫板上精準地繪圖而設計。本體和臂由同一塊鋁雕刻而成,並由磁鐵固定,這種設計使 Y 尺旋轉順暢,又可穩固停留在您所需的角度。Y 尺在轉動與靜止間有絕妙平衡的手感。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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