The SOULITE Apple AirPods Pro headphone protective case is made of precious metal materials, with elegant lines like flowing clouds, and a unique design that echoes the unique musical world of each user. The two fashion elements are integrated for the first time, allowing you to travel in parallel time and space between reality and the music world in a free popular form, leading a fashionable life.
SOULITE APPLE AIRPODS Pro耳機保護殼採用貴金屬材質,線條優雅如雲朵飄逸,獨特的設計呼應了每個使用者獨特的音樂世界。首次融合兩種時尚元素,讓你以自由的流行形式,在現實與音樂世界之間平行時空中旅行,引領時尚生活。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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