Spinum combines the soothing benefits of aromatherapy with the calming sensation of spinning motion. With just a simple touch, Spinum releases a stress-relieving scent that fills the room and creates a tranquil atmosphere. Its steady spinning motion adds an element of poetic and relaxation, providing a unique sensory experience that can help you unwind and recharge.
Spinum,一個動能擴香裝置,透過結合香氛氣味的舒緩感覺與裝置旋轉動態時的安定感結合在一起。 操作時只需將 Spinum 專屬的香氛油滴到香味擴散織物上,再輕輕一推,Spinum 就會釋放出一種緩解壓力的香味,營造出寧靜的氛圍。 其穩定的旋轉運動增添了詩意和放鬆的元素,提供獨特而且屬於自己的感官體驗,除了可以幫助放鬆身心和恢復活力,也可以在不同空間增加日常的生活儀式感。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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