The Air Stand is a versatile and eco-friendly acoustic screen designed to enhance office spaces' acoustic issues and the need of privacy . With noise reduction and vibrant colors, it creates a delightful and productive workspace. Made from recycled PET bottles, it promotes sustainability. The wavy edge design adds style and safety by eliminating sharp edges. Its adaptability is evident in small pieces measuring W500xH300mm, allowing users to customize the size and shape. This modular design empowers individuals to create their desired configuration, whether it's a single screen or a larger partition, seamlessly integrating into various office layouts. The Air Stand offers a distinctive blend of functionality, safety, and aesthetics in any office setting.
Air Stand是一款多功能且環保的辦公室隔音屏風,旨在增強辦公空間的隔音效果和隱私需求。它具有降噪和豐富多彩的特點,營造出愉悅且高效的工作環境。該產品使用回收的PET瓶子製成,推廣可持續性。其波浪邊緣設計不僅增添風格,還消除了尖銳邊緣,提供安全性。Air Stand的靈活性體現在W500xH300mm的小型件,讓用戶可以按照自己的需求自由定制尺寸和形狀。這種模塊化設計使個人能夠創建所需的配置,無論是單個屏風還是更大的隔間,都能無縫集成到各種辦公室布局中。Air Stand在任何辦公環境中提供了功能性、安全性和美學的獨特結合。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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