UCmask is a reusable mask that enables clear visualisation of the wearer’s face while offering exceptional comfort and protection. It is featherweight to be comfortably worn throughout the day, and features a soft, spectacles-friendly silicone face piece that seals your face from outside hazards. UCmask’s interchangeable filter lasts up to 30 days of use. The patent pending structure combines the filter and the anti-fog clear window into a single unit, each change restores both filtration and visibility back to perfection. UCmask is designed to comply with the latest ASTM-F3502 workplace standard that values comfort as well as high protection.
UCmask可重用透明口罩,讓你綻放笑容。設計根據 ASTM-F3502 工作場所標準,輕量貼面,全日佩戴舒適;嶄新結構正申請國家專利 - 99.95%過濾率的HEPA濾網,結合特大防霧窗,每月更換,帶來持續的可視和高保護。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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