Diamond Cut TWS, apply diamond cut ratio and effect on TWS, being an unique gift to promote Diamond Earrings. Being unique Being Prestige like Diamonds. Innovative Ideas x Innovative Channels; Craftmanship x Technology being an unique FUSION promotional gift for Diamond related importer / distributor / wholesaler / retailer.
Diamond Cut TWS,在TWS上應用鑽石切割比例和效果,是推廣鑽石耳環的獨特禮物。 獨一無二 尊貴如鑽石。 創新理念x創新渠道; Craftmanship x Technology 是鑽石相關進口商/分銷商/批發商/零售商的獨特 FUSION 促銷禮物。
Hong Kong Smart Design Award 2024. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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