From the dawn of time, tradesmen decorated Chinese porcelain with symbolic and auspicious ideas. Bat (fu 蝠) is a symbol of good fortune while deer (lu 鹿) symbolises the ability to reap rewards (lu 祿). The decorative details on Chinese porcelain reflect the hopes and wishes of ancient Chinese. Each generation holds a different set of expectations, while younger Millennials are driven by different desires today. We combine traditional Chinese porcelain with popular culture, aiming to bring traditional crafts and blessings into everyday life. The "Bitches" and "Son of the Rich" plates are locally handmade by Yuet Tung China Works, which was established in 1928, the first and only hand-painted porcelain factory in Hong Kong.
⾃古以來,匠⼈都會將寓意吉祥嘅圖案裝飾到陶器上面,反映古⼈對美好⽣活嘅嚮往,但時代唔同咗,我地今次就將古代陶藝文化同現代人願望結合,為大家的日常生活增添樂趣。Wishes Plate有「扮」⼯室「花⽣友」廣彩碟、打卡呃 Like「KOL」⽶通碟同唔洗憂「敗家仔」紅瓷碟,梗有一隻講緊你心聲!「花生友」廣彩碟及「敗家仔」紅瓷碟交托給現時香港碩果僅存的粵東磁廠製作,將最傳統的本土工藝帶到大家面前。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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