Cookie Kiddle is a multi-sensory English learning toy designed specifically for toddlers. Using this dice that fits right into a toddler's palms, they can learn to spell the basic vowels, over 80 vocabularies across different fun categories, and train important motor skills via multiple mini games that post a challenge to even an adult player.
Cookie Kiddle是一個專為初學英文兒童而開發的學習遊戲。精心設計的英文智能骰能與任何平板電腦互動,教導小朋友超過80個生動活潑詞語,並設有多個小遊戲訓練小朋友手部肌肉,是一個揉合傳統玩具與軟件優點的學習產品。
Hong Kong Smart Design Awards. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
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